March 1, 2018
On behalf of a faculty ad hoc Asian American Studies Working Group consisting for twenty-five members, Professor Dorothy Wang and Professor Li Yu submit the following proposal to the Curricular Planning Committee (CPC). In this proposal, they request the establishment of an Asian American Studies program. They also request the hiring of one full-time employee (FTE) for this program (open field, open rank).
April 3, 2018
On this date, members of the Asian American Studies Movement emailed the following exchange to members of the Curricular Planning Committee (CPC). We were met with support from Jon Bakija.
April 5, 2018
The Asian American Studies Movement delivers the following demands to interim President Protik Majumder, interim Dean of Faculty Lee Park, Provost David Love and Chair of the Curricular Planning Committee (CPC) Jon Bakija:
- That the school hire two tenured full-time employees (FTEs), or permanent professors, by the end of a three (3) year period.
- That the school hire two additional Asian American professors in the social sciences by the end of a five (5) year period.
- That the school establish a major towards Asian American Studies by the end of a five (5) year period.
The Movement specified that the administration must give a "written and public commitment" to these demands by Previews, or the Movement would "act swiftly, drastically and publicly to demonstrate [their] dedication to this cause."
April 9, 2018
Members of the Movement host a rally for Asian American Studies and distribute the following flyer to attendees. They inform the student body of recent communications with the administration and urge them to join the Movement.
April 11, 2018
The Movement met with the administration with an updated version of their demands. These updates were in light of new information coming to light, including (1) Professor Scott Wong's plans to retire in four years, (2) closer examination of the distinction between program and major and (3) numerous talks with members of the Committee on Appointments & Promotions (CAP):
- That the school immediately add a link on the course reader to all existing Asian American courses.
- That the school immediately hire an additional professor to replace any current Asian Americanist should they retire or otherwise leave the school.
- That the school hire one tenured FTE, open field/open rank, by the end of a three (3) year period.
- That the school hire two additional Asian American professors in the social sciences or creative arts by the end of a five (5) year period.
- That the school establish a program in Asian American Studies under the American Studies department by the end of a five (5) year period.
- That the school provide exclusive affinity housing and space for AAPI students.
The administration gave commitment to the formation of a working group composed of faculty and students during the 2018-2019 school year, but would not commit to any hiring lines.
April 22, 2018
The day before Previews, a member of the Movement (Tyler Tsay, '19) and Provost David Love have the following email exchange. In this exchange, Love confirms that the administration is prepared to:
- Offer a campus-wide communication outlining steps taken by the administration
- Reach out to the chair of the Committee on Educational Affairs (CEA) to create an Asian American Studies link and site that would describe "current curricular offerings, as well as be a homepage for updates about the progress and program going forward."
- Extend a proposal for a 3-Year Visiting Assistant Position in Asian American Studies in lieu of a permanent position in Asian American Studies.
Tsay responds by holding firm on acquiring a commitment to permanent positions rather than visiting positions. He cites the visiting positions granted to the Latinx Studies Movement after the 1990s hunger strike as a further delay tactic of establishing a program. Love expressed understanding of the inadequacy of a Visiting Assistant position, and he responds with the following:
"We would not be able to commit to a permanent FTE until the working group has done its work [at the end of the 2018-2019 school year], but we all understand that a VAP would not be a permanent solution to an Asian American Studies program."
April 23, 2018
It is Previews weekend. Members of the Movement hold a demonstration at the Purple Key Fair (on the right), where they hand out these flyers to prospective students.
At Jamboree (directly following Purple Key Fair), each Jamboree group reads a statement in support of Asian American Studies. Speakfree, the spoken word collective on campus, gives its time to the Asian American Studies Movement. Members of the Movement read a statement during their allotted time to the prospective students before exiting the building.
April 24, 2018
The Movement releases its photo campaign curated by Grace Fan ('19). Click here to view.
The Movement revives the petition from the 2016-2017 AASiA board. Click here to view.
The Record publishes an Editorial Statement in support of Asian American Studies, a cover of the Jamboree demonstration (on the right) and an op-ed written by members of the Movement.
April 25, 2018
The Movement meets with the Davis Center and Minority Coalition and gets their commitment to support the movement.
The Movement meets with College Council and asks the following:
- That College Council provide physical and financial support of the Movement.
- That College Council release and pass a resolution in support of Asian American Studies, in accordance with their 2011 resolution (see here).
- That College Council co-sponsor following demonstrations with the Movement (under AASiA), Minority Coalition and Davis Center.
April 26, 2018
The Movement and College Council begin working on a resolution for the next College Council meeting.
April 27, 2018
Members of the Movement meet with Provost David Love. They are told that the school will not commit to an FTE to replace Professor Scott Wong when he retires. He cites the fact that if the CPC working group does not vote to form Asian American Studies throughout school year SY 2018-2019, they may regret pre-committing an FTE to hire a new Asian American history professor.
The administration also cites that students can only be involved in a portion of the CPC working group's meetings for confidentiality of faculty discussions.
April 29, 2018
During Bolin Weekend, members of the Movement meet with alumni to discuss AAS. Lily An, head of the Williams Asian/Asian American alumni network, delivers a passionate statement about AAS to the assembly of alumni of color, and with the administration present. The administration does not respond.
May 2, 2018
The Movement records anecdotes from the IAmAsAm campaign and plays them on loop in front of Paresky Center to bring attention to the struggles of Asian American students on campus.
June 3, 2018
Members of the Movement distribute pink ribbons to the graduating class of seniors to display during the ceremony. All three class speakers mention their whole-hearted support for Asian American Studies at the ceremony.