April 12, 2008
AASiA invited six Asian American alumni back to campus to share their stories of political engagement on the Political Empowerment Alumni Panel. Williams College trustee, Yvonne Hao '95, served as the facilitator of the panel. The discussion was on how students can involve themselves in civic engagement and political activism.
Spring 2008
AASiA hosted a brunch that included Chinese American Student Organization (CASO), Koreans of Williams (KOW), and South Asian Student Association (SASA). These were the sub-groups within AASiA that year. The brunch agenda consisted of speeches from both AASiA co-chairs at the time, introductions to the sub-groups and their co-chairs of that year, as well as a speech from Professor Scott Wong. The program for the event indicates that brunch was organized around an intent to discuss the Asian American identity both on campus and nationally. The inside of the program lists facts about the diversity of the AAPI identity, illuminating histories and narratives that are often overlooked.
Front of the brunch program.
Back of the brunch program.