November 7, 2011
AASiA members launch a website to convey information about the ongoing Campaign for Asian American Studies:

February 4, 2012
On Claiming Williams day, the Campaign for Asian American Studies hosts a panel, "Asian American Studies in the Classroom and Beyond."
February 20, 2012
College Council passes a Resolution in support of Asian American Studies.

February 29, 2012
The Record editorial board writes the following response in opposition to Asian American Studies.
March 14, 2012
Members of the Movement write the following response to The Record editorial board's op-ed.

April 2018
A formal proposal for Asian American Studies is submitted to the Committee on Educational Policy (CEP). Click here for the proposal.
May 6, 2018
Allen Lum '12, a rising senior in the movement, writes the following article in Incite Magazine.